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Help Wanted

Penbrook Borough Employment and Volunteer Positions

Penbrook Borough Volunteer Positions

Looking for a way to get involved in our community? One of the best ways is by volunteering to serve on a Borough Citizen Board or Commission. If you are interested in serving and would like further information, please contact the Penbrook Borough at 717-232-3733. The application form is available for download on this page.

Civil Service Commission: (6 yr. Term)
The Civil Service Commission has the power to prescribe, amend, and enforce rules and regulations governing police appointments and promotions.

Zoning Hearing Board: (3 yr. Term)
The Zoning Hearing Board consists of three members appointed by Borough Council. The Board is responsible for hearing and making decisions regarding requests for variances and appeals from the Borough Zoning Ordinance. The Board meets on an as needed basis.

Planning Commission: (4 yr. Term)
The Planning Commission consists of persons residing in the Borough who have been appointed by the Borough Council. The Planning Commission members serve in an advisory capacity to the Borough Council. The Commission has many responsibilities which include advising the Council in matters relating to planning and zoning, reviewing and making recommendations on subdivisions and land development applications, planning modules, developing and updating the Borough Comprehensive Plan and reviewing proposed ordinances related to the planning function.

Shade Tree Commission: (5 yr. Term)
The Shade Tree Commission regulates trees within the public right-of-ways. Among regulations enforced are the minimum height of limbs above public streets, alleys, curb lines and sidewalks or walkways; tree planting and removal within the right-of-ways (primarily in the area between the curb and sidewalk); and pruning of branches and roots.

Poll Worker:
The primary responsibility of the Poll Worker is to help conduct the election properly and lawfully. These are paid positions. Elections take place twice a year. For more information visit the County website at