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Trash / Recycling Collection


The City of Harrisburg’s Public Works Department is our trash and recycling provider. Trash pickup occurs on Wednesdays starting at 6:00 a.m. For Trash inquiries and questions, the City of Harrisburg can be reached Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at (717) 695-9716 or at

QUESTIONS REGARDING YARD WASTE PICK-UP OR RECYCLING – Please call Jessica Caruso (717) 412-4520-office or (717) 418-1263-cell or email


2025 trash schedule


2023 recycling


Service Day:

Your trash, recycling and 1 bulk item will be collected every Wednesday.

Yard waste is collected on the 4th Thursday of each month from April through October. According to the trash contract, one (1) brown yard waste container per household will be collected. Grass clippings are NOT to be put in the Yard Waste container. Put grass clippings in a trash bag and put in your regular trash container.

QUESTIONS REGARDING YARD WASTE PICK-UP OR RECYCLING – Please call Jessica Caruso (717) 412-4520-office or (717) 418-1263-cell or email


Composting Facilities:

Swatara Township, 599 Eisenhower Blvd, Harrisburg, PA 17111 (717) 564-2551 (call for hours of operation)
They accept leaves, branches (up to 20” in diameter), garden waste, brush, tree prunings, and stumps free of stone and dirt. Please call (717) 564-2551 to inquire about obtaining a Permit to use this facility.

Zeager Bros Inc, 4000 E. Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-7481 or (800) 346-8524 (call for year-round hours of operation)
They accept above-ground brush with bark on it, untreated wood (ie: pallets, etc) at no charge. There is a charge for tree stumps. Please call (717) 944-7481 or (800) 346-8524 with any questions.

Trash Holiday Schedule:

New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Reminder: when a holiday falls on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, your collection will be delayed one day to Thursday.


Trash Information:

For trash, you are allowed to fill your trash toter and place one (1) additional bag on top of the trash toter.

Each household is permitted to set out one bulk item on Wednesday, the same day as the trash and recycling collection. Acceptable bulk items include the following: furniture, mattress & box spring, carpet (rolled and tied – maximum length 48”), washers, dryers, dishwashers, or other household item too large for regular weekly collection. If you are in doubt about an item for bulk collection, please call Harrisburg City at 717-695-9716 for clarification.

Bulk items requiring special handling must be called in to Harrisburg City at 717-695-9716 for collection prior to the regular pickup day. These items include: refrigerators, freezers, other appliances containing Freon or other refrigerant, and up to 8 tires per household a year.


Recycling Information:

You are reminded that Pennsylvania passed the Covered Devices Recycling Act which regulates disposal of certain electronics. Residents and businesses may no longer place these items at the curb as trash: televisions, desktop computers, laptops, monitors, computer accessories (keyboards, mouse, printers, speakers). They must be taken to our County’s recycling center at 1625 S Cameron St, Harrisburg, PA


2023 recycle list

household hazardous waste